Team event recommendation: Online wine tasting at Fried Baumgärtner

At this point, we would like to pass on a team event recommendation to our customers and interested parties – based on our own very positive experience.

If you are looking for an alternative team event and – due to Corona – conventional meetings cannot take place, simply invite your colleagues to a cosy wine evening. On December 16, 2020, we from ROOS IT were able to experience an exciting online wine tasting from the Fried Baumgärtner winery via Zoom.

We got an interesting insight into the work as a winemaker and were allowed to try a wide variety of wines (which were previously sent to each team member by post). From Merlot to Chardonnay – in addition to the good drink, there were many facts about the respective grape variety and additional information about the different production processes between red and white wines. The highlight for us was the live basement tour of the winery, in which we were even presented with the production plant and the wine store.

For us as a team, the event was a great opportunity to celebrate a nice end of the year together at a distance, and that’s exactly why the Fried Baumgärtner winery is worth a clear recommendation!

Die Probeweine vom Weingut Fried Baumgärtner
Eine für uns zusammengestellte Auswahl von Probeweine zur Online-Weinprobe vom Weingut Fried Baumgärtner
Interessannte Details zu den einzelnen Probeweinen kurz auf Papier gebracht
Eine Übersicht mit Beschreibung und Essensempfehlungen der Probeweine auf Papier gebracht

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